• Z6尊龙凯时·(中国区)人生就是搏!

    비밀번호를 잊으셨나요

    From the latest report released by GSA, the adoption of 5G FWA devices is predicted to grow at a 54% CAGR between 2022 and 2030 resulting from the investment from 400+ telecom operators, and 1485+ devices worldwide. Furthermore, the deployment of 5G FWA devices is booming and is set to dominate the wireless services sector by 2025.

    5G network services have evolved from“usable” to “tailored service for various scenarios” with the evolution of 3GPPstandards since its first launch in early 2018. With a promising future ahead, what are the key elements in implementing the FWA service? How do ecosystem partners utilize 5G for optimized service and better network quality? And what are the challenges that remain unsolved in “Bridging the Digital Divide”?

    Today we are honored to invite experts from GSA, IoT experts in the wireless sector, and FWA device providers to discuss future trends in the FWA market, and share practical insights in the FWA deployment.

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